Root Canal Treatment in Elm Grove, WI
Root Canal Therapy and Its Many Benefits
Getting a root canal probably sounds like the least fun thing you could do, but it really isn't as bad as it is made out to be. In fact, this procedure can be beneficial to your overall oral health. Getting this treatment at Cream City Dental can help restore and preserve your beautiful smile.
What Root Canal Treatment Involves
When trying to find root canal therapy near me in Elm Grove, WI you might also wonder what this procedure really is. The root (mind the pun) cause of tooth pain can sometimes be the nerves of a tooth. Diseased tooth pulp or affected blood vessels might need to be removed in order to alleviate that pain, and that's what is done in a root canal procedure.
Trauma, deep decay, or a cracked or fractured tooth can result in inflamed or infected tooth pulp. That inflammation or infection can spread into the jawbone and adjacent teeth. Getting treatment can relieve your pain, stop the spread, and restore your smile.
Signs You Need Root Canal Therapy
There are some tell-tale signs that you need root canal therapy. If you experience pain while chewing, temperature sensitivity, tender or swollen gums, have cracked or decayed teeth, or have abscesses forming on your gums, you could be a strong candidate for root canal treatment.
The Root Canal Procedure
This procedure is actually fairly straightforward. Dr. Marwan Ibrahem will begin by going over the procedure with you and setting your mind at ease. You can ask him any questions you have about treatment and what it involves. He might talk with you about dental sedation and numbing agents.
The procedure itself starts with the pulp being cleaned out of the impacted tooth. Then, the space gets filled. There might be some pain after this is done, but Dr. Ibrahem will give you instructions on how to treat the pain after you leave our office. You will be getting a dental crown put on at the end of the procedure so as to keep everything stable and comfortable. The result is a natural-looking smile and no more pain from infection or inflammation.
Getting Root Canal Treatment Near Me
Seeking our root canal treatment near me is important since it can stop the pain and prevent abscesses from growing in your mouth. Our team is here to help you feel more comfortable and secure with your smile. Ready for your first appointment? Contact Cream City Dental today to schedule it.