Dental Crowns in Milwaukee, WI

At Cream City Dental, we offer advanced dental crowns in Milwaukee, WI. Crowns provide a unique combination of strength and aesthetics that can be used to restore the appearance and function of a tooth. A crown may be recommended for teeth that are decayed, cracked or broken, misaligned, discolored, misshapen, or worn down.

What are Dental Crowns?

Dental crowns are a type of dental restoration that completely covers the visible portion of a tooth. Crowns reinforce the existing structure, adding strength and protecting against further damage. They also improve aesthetics and can be customized in shape, size, and color for an optimal fit.

At Cream City Dental, we use advanced technology to create custom-made crowns using high-quality materials such as porcelain, zirconia, or metal alloys. Dr. Marwan Ibrahem will work with you to determine the best option for your needs and lifestyle.

Benefits of Dental Crowns

Dental crowns offer a wide range of benefits, including: 

  • Increased stability and strength for teeth that are damaged or weakened. 
  • The improved cosmetic appearance of misaligned, discolored, or misshapen teeth. 
  • Protection against further damage from decay or fracture. 
  • Improved function for teeth worn down due to bruxism (teeth grinding) or clenching. 
  • Restored chewing ability for patients with natural tooth loss. 

Types of Dental Crowns in Milwaukee, WI 

At Cream City Dental, we offer a variety of types of dental crowns in Milwaukee, WI. Dr. Marwan Ibrahem works with you to determine the best treatment.

  • Porcelain Crowns: Porcelain crowns are made from high-grade ceramic materials that match the color of natural teeth and provide an extremely durable restoration. 
  • Zirconia Crowns: Zirconia is a strong, metal-free, long-lasting, and aesthetically pleasing material. It provides exceptional wear resistance and can be used for back molars or front teeth. 
  • Metal Alloy Crowns: Metal alloy crowns are composed of several different metals, such as gold or platinum alloys, and provide a strong, long-lasting restoration. 

When Are Dental Crowns Necessary? 

Dental crowns may be necessary if you have a tooth that is decayed, cracked or broken, misaligned, discolored, misshapen, or worn down. Crowns can help restore the appearance and function of your teeth while protecting them from further damage. They also improve aesthetics and can be customized in shape, size, and color for an optimal fit. 

How Much Do Dental Crowns Cost in Milwaukee, WI?

The rate of dental crowns in Milwaukee, WI, will depend on the type and amount of work needed to restore your teeth. Our experienced dentists at Cream City Dental can provide you with an estimate based on your individual needs. 

Book Your Dental Crowns Appointment in Milwaukee, WI, Today!

At Cream City Dental, Dr. Ibrahhem and his staff are committed to providing you with the highest quality of care. If you have a tooth that is decayed, cracked or broken, misaligned, discolored, misshapen, or worn down and think dental crowns may be necessary, schedule an appointment today by calling 414-476-4777. We look forward to helping you achieve your ideal smile!