Do I Need Complete or Partial Dentures?

If you are looking for time-tested solutions to replace one, some, or all of your teeth, your trusted team at Cream City Dental is here to help. We are pleased to offer complete and partial dentures to restore your smile’s health and function with beautifully natural results. We invite you to visit our Wauwatosa practice to get started today!

Complete and Partial Dentures: Which One Is Right for You?

The type of denture right for you will depend on the number of teeth you’re missing and the condition of your remaining teeth. We typically recommend complete dentures if you are missing all your natural teeth in either the upper or lower jaw. Your restoration will consist of a full set of artificial teeth mounted on acrylic bases that closely resemble your gum tissues.

Partial dentures offer an excellent restorative solution if some healthy, natural teeth remain. These dentures consist of replacement teeth attached to metal frameworks. They are secured to your existing teeth using metal clasps or precision attachments, filling gaps in your smile with seamless results.

What Is the Process for Complete Dentures?

The denture and partial procedure will depend on your unique needs. We typically start with a comprehensive examination to determine the ideal type of denture for your smile.

When it comes to complete dentures, we may need to extract any remaining damaged teeth before creating your replacement teeth. We offer two main types of complete dentures: immediate and conventional.

  • Immediate Dentures: We create immediate dentures ahead of time and place them in your mouth right after extracting your damaged teeth. Your mouth will change shape during the healing period, so your new dentures will need adjustments and relining to provide a proper fit and function. The main advantage of immediate dentures is that you won’t have to go without teeth for a single day.   
  • Conventional Dentures: We create conventional dentures from impressions of your teeth after extracting any remaining teeth and the area heals. That ensures we take into account the subtle specifications of your gum and bite. Conventional dentures offer the best possible fit, comfort, and function and do not need as many adjustments as immediate dentures.

What Is the Process for Partial Dentures?

We will start by ensuring the teeth that will support your partial dentures are healthy. We will restore these supporting teeth to a healthy state, if needed, to provide stability for your new restorations.

The next step is taking impressions of your teeth, which a dental laboratory will use to create your new aesthetic dentures. We will make any needed adjustments for a secure fit and to ensure your partials are comfortable and functional. Your new restorations will enhance your smile and quality of life.

What Are the Benefits of Dentures?

Replacing missing teeth with full or partial dentures will help support your facial muscles, maintaining your youthful appearance. Your new restorations will make it easier to chew your favorite foods, speak with clarity, and smile confidently once again.

If you are missing one or several teeth, partial dentures can enhance your oral health.

They prevent the neighboring teeth from shifting out of position, which could lead to crooked teeth and problems with the bite. Missing one or more teeth can also increase the risk of gum disease, uneven tooth wear, and even TMJ problems. Partial dentures help lower the risk of many complications that occur as a result of tooth loss.

Dentures and Partials Near Me in Wauwatosa, WI

If you are looking for solutions to replace missing teeth, visit Cream City Dental today. Dr. Ibrahem will recommend the ideal solution to restore your smile’s health, function, and natural appearance. Don’t let tooth loss hold you back. We invite you to call us at 414-476-4777 to schedule your appointment or request one online today.