Does a Tooth Filling Hurt?

If you have a cavity, you may be wondering if getting a tooth filling will hurt. Dr. Ibrahem and his team at Cream City Dental are here to reassure you that the routine procedure is virtually painless thanks to modern dental technology, techniques, and anesthetics. Your comfort and well-being are always our topmost priorities.

What Is a Tooth Filling?

A tooth filling is a simple restorative dentistry procedure designed to repair cavities, restoring a decayed tooth to its health, form, and function. The filling process involves removing the decayed tooth structure, cleaning the area, and filling the cavity with a dental filling material. Sealing the space restores the tooth’s health and prevents harmful oral bacteria from causing further decay or infection.

At Cream City Dental, we offer tooth-colored fillings made from a composite resin material. Our aesthetic restorations match the color and shade of your tooth enamel, leaving you with natural-looking results. Modern-day fillings are incredibly strong and durable, enhancing your smile for years to come!

Why Are Fillings Essential?

Tooth fillings are more than just a cavity treatment. The routine procedure helps prevent cavities from growing larger and affecting deeper layers of your teeth. If left untreated, cavities can cause severe toothaches, infections, facial swelling, bone loss around the affected tooth’s roots, and even tooth loss. In addition, the infection can enter the bloodstream and affect vital organs, leading to serious health concerns.

Getting a tooth filling is a proactive step towards a healthier smile. It is a quick and virtually painless procedure that can save you from pain and discomfort and more extensive treatments like root canal therapy in the long run.

Do Cavity Fillings Hurt?

Most people dread the thought of a drill or any dental procedure due to the fear of pain. But the good news is that getting a tooth filling is relatively comfortable and straightforward!

Before starting treatment, we will use a local anesthetic to numb the area around the affected tooth to ensure you are comfortable. You might feel pressure during treatment but should not feel any pain.

After the anesthetic wears off, you may feel mild pain or discomfort, which should resolve shortly after. If you have any questions or concerns in the days following your dental filling procedure, make sure to let us know.

Tooth Fillings Near Me Wauwatosa, WI

If you suspect you have a cavity, do not let fear hold you back. Getting a filling is a routine procedure at Cream City Dental, and with today’s advances in dental technology and anesthetics, it is more comfortable than ever! We invite you to call us at 414-476-4777 to schedule your appointment or request one online today.